Atoms, similar to preschoolers, don't forever play fair.
This means that at times in a covalent bond the electrons are not joint equally
between the two atoms. On regular, one of the atoms partially "pulls"
the bonding electrons toward itself, creating an unequal sharing of those
bonding electrons. This is called a POLAR COVALENT BOND. In order to determine
whether a covalent bond is polar or not, it's necessary to understand
Recall that electronegativity is a measure of an atom's skill
to draw its bonding electrons to itself. Each element has a numeric value
corresponding to its electronegativity. The values used here were devised by
Linus Pauling, however there are a few other scales of electronegativity
Fluorine was determined to be the most electronegative
element and has an electronegativity value of 4.0. Francium, the least
electronegative element, has a value of 0.7. It is imprtant to remember a
general trend in the periodic table: electronegativity increases from left to
right going across a period, and it increases from the bottom to the top of a
group. For example, in period 2, nitrogen (group 5A) has an electronegativity
value of 3.0, compared to 2.5 for carbon (group 4A). In group 5A, phosphorous
(period 3) has an electronegativity value of 2.1, compared to 3.0 for nitrogen
(period 2).
In an act that resembles toddlers tugging on a toy, a
polar covalent bond occurs when one atom with a higher electronegativity draws
the bonding electrons toward itself, pulling those electrons away from the atom
with the lower electronegativity value. This creates an unequal sharing of
electrons known as UNEQUAL CHARGE DISTRIBUTION, or charge separation. The
charge separation makes the bond polar because the more electronegative atom
becomes partially negatively charged and the atom with the lower
electronegativity becomes partially positively charged.

In HBr, but, Br has an electronegativity of 2.8,
compared to 2.1 for hydrogen. The Br atom pulls the bonding electrons toward
itself, creating a partial negative charge on itself and a partial positive
charge on the hydrogen atom

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